
  • Text wrapping wraps text to a maximum width, but it can be less.
  • Headings are not affected by width, fixed, and wrap format directives. A wider heading will take precedence.
  • Auto-alignment always looks at the type of the cell. When reading keys from a cell that is a dictionary auto-alignment is determined by the type of the cell (in this case dict(), which auto-aligns to the left) and not the value of the key.
  • In a format string a missing format directive end delimiter is not an error. The intended directive text will become part of the format_spec.
  • The lsep format directive silently overrides the rsep format directive on the preceding column.
  • When any scaling format function (thousands(), millions(), …) is applied to a cell of type integer, the resulting value is promoted to float before it is formatted. A format spec compatible with float should be used.
  • For the none, zero, lsep, rsep formatting directives a semicolon cannot be used in the =ccc part since it is interpreted as the delimiter between formatting directives. The delimiters may be changed by overriding the MonoTable class var option_spec_delimiters.
  • Check spelling carefully when overriding a class variable. Misspelling will be silently ignored.
  • Format directive none=ccc is all lower case.
  • The file test/test_examples.py has PEP484 (mypy) type annotation comments for experimental static type checking. It can serve as a guide to solving type checking issues.
  • In the code option_spec is a synonym for format directive.